UFO Phenomenon

UFO Phenomenon
Battle of Barhöfft
UFO Phenomenon

The Mysterious Sky Battle of Barhöfft in 1665

The event reported by fishermen near Barhöfft in 1665 stands as one of the most intriguing and perplexing incidents in early modern European history. Descriptions

UFO Phenomenon

The 1952 Salem UFO Sighting

Salem, Massachusetts, is a city known more for its witch trials than for mysterious objects in the sky. However, on August 3, 1952, something extraordinary

UFO Phenomenon

The 2011 Russian Alien Video

In the age of the internet, where information travels faster than light, 2011 became a landmark year for UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. A video

comet 67P alien
UFO Phenomenon

Comet 67P: Was it an Alien Spacecraft?

In 2014, a historic event unfolded as the European Space Agency successfully landed the Rosetta probe on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, paving the way for an unprecedented

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